August 27, 2012

I did a practice Temple Lomi today, and my client was surprised at the results.

I don’t do a lot of Temple Lomi Lomi massages (probably because most people don’t understand it), so every now and then, I give one away just to stay in practice. I like to do at least one a month so it keeps current. This was one of those times.

About 10 minutes into the session, my client relaxed. She was so relaxed that she was almost asleep. Looking at her face when she was face-up, told me she had finally reached a deep point of relaxation.

She told me later that while she thought she was relaxed most of the time, she really wasn’t. in fact, she realized that she truly did not know how to relax. This session had taken her deeper into relaxation than she had been in a very long time. Cool.