Today was the first day of a mediumship seminar being taught by Eamonn Downey, a teacher at the Arthur Findlay school in England. As usual, Eamonn took us down is new approach for doing what would been doing.
What Eamonn wanted us to do, was to allow the energies of the spirit were talking to, to inhabit our bodies so that we could become them. This way, we would be a will to do a reading in the first person not the third person.
Basically what we do a reading, we connect disparate and then see what the spirit is willing to show us and say what the spirit wants us to save. In a way it is a question-and-answer session where a medium will ask questions of the spirit and get answers so that one can deliver information to the client. In this manner, I would ask the spirit how he died and they would tell me, or show me.
What Eamonn was trying to get us to do was almost like doing a trance, but not quite. I can remember many times when Kay Mora, my psychic development teacher of years ago, would leave her body and allow a group consciousness called Christina to enter and teach the class. Kay would be aware of what was going on, but would not be interacting with the group. She would simply be an observing. This was similar to what Eamonn wanted us to do but not completely the same thing. He wanted us to develop the energies of the spirit so that we could talk to person where reading for in the first person. In this case, if I were trying to find out how spirit died so I can tell the client, it would be more like "I died like this" rather than “he died like this”.
He separated the class in groups of three, and we each got to try this for our small group. The first person the work was Donna, who does trance work. Her face changed as well as her mannerisms as her father came through. In talking with her later, we found that she was completely there, and in control. What she did as she went into it, was to start talking in the first person and then simply let it flow from spirit.
I tried this and could not get it to work at all. I knew my mother was the spirit that was there as were trying to bring on a close relative. I tried to let her energies completely come into me, but I was afraid of giving up control. (Let's be real, I am a control freak.) As I worked, I allowed her energies to come into me and come over me. It was almost like someone was sitting in my lap and pushing themselves into me. I could feel the physical of her hands as my hands were encompassed in the energies, I could feel her arthritis. That is the energies came into me, I simply could just not let go. (I have been in a number of classes before that taught automatic writing, allowing spirit to take control of the hand and do writing. I could never do give up control enough to make this work.)
The third person or group, Mei, went next and the transformation was amazing. Suddenly her face transformed and were looking at her cousin Susie. Her mannerisms were different, her style of speaking was different. We listened while Susie told us about herself. When she was done, the switch reversed itself. Mei told us that it felt like she was sitting outside her body watching this happen, not in her body at all.
We talked about this class, and while I wasn't the only one that failed, I still felt bad about it. I was thinking that if this is what the entire weekend is going to be that it was going to be a very long weekend.
But the next session was something totally different. Damon had come around to each group and given us each someone's first name. He told us that each one was a colleague of his, and that we were to find out what information we could as a group.
After the failure of the last session, this seemed easy as it was back to connecting spirit just as I had been doing all along. Yet, it was still a little bit different.
I immediately saw a man sitting at a desk in a small office. In fact, I was invited into the office to talk with him. He was a thin man that was wearing a bow tie and like his bow tie. He was dressed nicely although his clothes were not expensive. As I watched him he put his feet up on his desk and he held his pipe and waved it around a bit. His pipe wasn't the standard pipe, but looked like one that Sherlock Holmes would've smoked. There were a lot of books around and I got the impression that he liked books. He told me that he liked history a lot. I felt that he had a wicked sense of humor. In fact, while we were there in his office talking, he pointed his pipe and I looked around and saw that I had actually left my body to go into his office. It was almost like I was doing astral projection. In a way he was trying to teach me because he told me that if I can do this, I can do that other stuff that we tried doing earlier. I felt the dog was the type of person that would sit there in listened to student talk, and then point his pipe at them, and then drop the bottom out from under them. He was the type of teacher that would lead you so nicely done the primrose path and then let everything fall apart.
When I returned, I talked with the other two people in the group and we compared our notes. Both of them had said that they had smelled smoke suggesting that this person was a smoker which confirmed the pipe that I had seen. One of the others it also noted on how he took great care over his appearance because his pants had this nice crease down the front. We felt that he was quite old when he died, and then he died pretty much of natural causes. Donna felt that he was in his 70s, I thought a little bit later.
As it turned out, we had nailed this person almost perfectly. Eamonn told us that he did have a wicked sense of humor and that he was a very sharp dresser. She didn't like books and he did like history and he did like to put his feet up on his desk. He also wore bowties. So basically, we had it absolutely right.
After the failure in the first session, I really felt much better about myself after the second session. I seriously had been debating on not coming back the next day. But with the success of the second session and the ease that it happened, I decided I return.