Day two of Eamonn Downey's mediumship seminar. Today was more challenges, but with better results. Yet, some things work just perfectly and some were slightly off.
We started the day in the same groups of three that we had last night. Then two people in each group shifted in different directions so we were all working with different people. Because one of the students had a health issue and could not make it, my teacher Marilyn was in the group with me.
The idea with this first session was to do the same thing we did in the first session last night, allow spirit in so that we could speak in the first person. Judy was the first person to start, and she connected with someone I could not recognize. (Since I have so many relatives, and don't know most of them well, it is hard for me to identify the people that come through. Also, since I was so young when my grandparents on my father's side past, and never knew the grandparents on my mothers side, identifying validations is something that is very hard for me. All too often when we get into sessions like this, I am very hard to read for because I can never recognize anybody coming through.)
Judy connected to somebody that she thought was related to me on my mother's side. It was a male figure and we both thought it could be my uncle. There was not a lot of validation, in fact a lot of what was said was definitely strange. I was told that who she was connected to have been watching me, and looking at my potential. They wanted to let me know that they were there to help. They wanted to teach me. When I asked for her name I was told that I could call this person Simon as that seemed to be good enough name. At this point I definitely knew it was not my uncle as my uncle was not named Simon. I was told by Simon that I could call on him when I needed him, and that he would teach me, that he was there to help.
Judy definitely seemed confused by the turn of events, but we moved on. It wasn't until the break that she came up to me and told me she realized that this person was not related to me at all. This person that she had connected to was my spirit guide, and that the messages given to me were from my guide.
Now all this is well and good, and partially meets the requirements of what we're trying to do, but it was not mediumship per se. The whole point in mediumship is that we're trying to bring in a dead person, hopefully a relative or someone that we knew. When we bring in things like guides and ascended masters, the teacher cannot verify what we're doing as he cannot connect to the same spirit. While we are letting spirit in, enough so that we can talk in the first person, we are still not connecting someone that we can give validations for.
Next it was my turn to go. I remembered everything we had gone over yesterday after last night's disastrous first session. I immediately felt that a spirit wanted to converse. I tried what Don had showed me last night, projecting myself out to let the spirit in, but that did not work. I remembered what Ayman had told me about letting the energy in as I would healing energy. Looking at it this way, I was able at spirit energy flow into my body as I would with Reiki. Now, admittedly it was a tug-of-war as I tried to let enough energy in so that the spirit could have some control or say in what I was doing, but not to give up control completely. (I've seen and read enough horror stories we are the main character gets taken over by some entity and they are sitting there in the back of their mind watching what's going on but having no control to stop it. I've also heard enough stories of possession to know that this is definitely not what I want to have happening.)
I let the energy of the spirit enter me, yet I retained control. It was almost like I was doing myofascial unwinding, which is a method of letting the body moved into the positions it wants to, to release energy stored in the cells of the body. In the case of unwinding, one starts moving and feels where their body wants them to go and then lets their body go there. For instance, if I started moving and felt that my arms needed to come up and move around, I would allow my arms to come up and move around. I would not consciously think "Gee I need to raise my arms now." I would simply allow it to happen. This is the same effect I was having with this spirit.
I was allowing my body to take on the mannerisms and movements needed that the spirit wanted me to make. I leaned forward, my face changed, the look in my eyes changed. The whole time this was happening, I was aware of every bit of it and was allowing every bit of it. I could have stopped it at any time had I wanted to.
I knew that the spirit that I had was Marilyn's mother. I have connected to her on a number of occasions, and the familiarity with her made this so much easier for me. I tipped my head and I looked at her as if seeing her for the first time. I spoke in the first person in the words that her mother wanted to say. This one on for a couple of minutes until Marilyn made the comment that she thought this was her father. That threw me for a second as it made me again looked the spirit to make sure I knew who I had. What threw Marilyn was that I had never said whether or not I was dealing with a male or female. At the same time, her mother didn't feel compelled to start speaking with that information. (I learned later that this is something that I need to communicate to spirit for them to give me what I want and need so that the person I'm reading for better understands who they are. As good mediums will do, they make a deal with spirit on how they need to work. For instance I might ask for somebody that this person knows and will recognize and for them to give me enough information that they can validate that. My deal also includes my desire to keep evil away from any work I do with spirit. Some ideal now needs to include "the rules" for my working with spirit and the information I need.)
I paused for a second, and recheck with spirit to be sure that he had who I thought I had. Then I spoke and told Marilyn, "No, I am your mother." The reason this surprised Marilyn is that it was usually her father that spoke in the manner of speaking, and she was very surprised to hear this from her mother. She was able to ask a couple questions and I was able to give her couple answers. She then asked if there was any message for her. At that moment it came in as clear as a bell. I looked her straight in the eyes and said "I love you." This was what her mother wanted to say, nothing more.
By the time we were done Marilyn was in tears. I wasn't doing too well either. The feeling of incredible love that I had with the spirits energy in me was amazing. There were tears coming down my face long before this reading was over. Then, the energies pulled back out of me, and it was over.
And that was the morning session. With this, I have found a new way to do mediumship. The whole point to doing it this way is to get rid of the gaps that we seem to have is we do readings. Normally as we connect the spirit, we ask questions, and get answers. Through that comes interpretation which can screw things up all too much. The idea of bringing spirit so close that they are part of you, it eliminates the question-and-answer session, letting you speak as them. This removes the possibility of mistakes through interpretation.
At any rate, it was a very interesting morning session. But there is more interesting stuff coming in the afternoon.