This is the first day back after an intensive training seminar called Stansted in Florida. It is so named after the town in which the Arthur Findlay School resides in. This school teaches mediumship. Our teacher was Jan Marshall with Marilyn Jenquin as coordinator.
For the first two days, we did nothing but energy exercises. Most of the time, I felt clueless. It was one different exercise after another. We even got to a point that we were playing musical chairs, literally. I think the whole idea of this was to shake us loose from what we were attached to, energy-wise, connect us to our inner child, and open us up to new things.
We did very little in the way of readings, though that was definitely a part of it. Mostly, it was opening us up to connecting with energies and spirit. At one time, Jan had us channel a comedian. I got Groucho Marx. “Say the secret word and the duck will come down and give you $50.”
The next two days were much more intense with reading, healing, trancing. A big part of what she was trying to teach us was different levels and types of mediumship. Mediumship itself is spirit communication. It does not necessarily mean giving readings. It is communication for whatever purpose... communication in the form of readings or teaching, philosophy, or healing.
We were constantly being divided into groups for various purposes. There was a group for spirit communication. These people would basically do readings by giving evidence and then passing on a message. Another group was doing healing. In this case, the people would connect to spirit and let the energy come through and let spirit do the work (this is something I teach my Reiki students). Another group was doing trance work. Now, this is not trance where the person goes out and a spirit steps in (like my teacher Kaimora used to do). The student is still present, but they let enough energy in so they can speak in the first person of the spirit. (In another post, I will talk about an awesome deep trance I saw as demonstration.)
In many cases, Jan would ask for people that felt comfortable teaching (whatever she was looking for at the time) to come up to the front of the room. When she asked for healing, I was one of the first that came up. Eventually, she had half the class up there. Then, we paired up with someone in the other half of the class. First we did healing work on them. Next we gave them some basic tips and they did healing work on us.
At another time, she asked for those that were comfortable teaching mediumship. I hesitated, then got up and moved to the front. We were then paired up with someone that was not in our group. The idea was to teach them some basic stuff, give them some tips, and then the two of us went up and did a paired reading in front of a group.
And at another time, she asked who was comfortable teaching trance. I found myself getting up in the “teacher” group. Now, trance scares me, at least deep trance. But I found that the seminar in January gave me the basics to do this. Instead of letting the spirit in completely, I found that I can keep control by letting it in enough to talk in that first person, and move as they would move, and take on the mannerisms that they have, yet not be gone completely. It is like a push and pull inside to let enough in, but not too much. We took this and went off and did more exercises.
One of the things Jan taught us that was immensely helpful, was to align ourselves with the spirit energy and our purpose. This alignment can work for all spirit related things, but can also work for simpler things, like driving a car. We feel the “mini me” inside ourselves and then expand it to include our spirit selves and spirit.
Through the four days there, I got to be in the company of a lot of very gifted, like-minded people. Some I knew from other seminars I had been too, others I met for the first time. Everyone there had such awesome energies, that it was a joy just being around them.
I am looking forward to doing this again next year.