On the third day, I got to do some readings. I was surprised at how I did things.
We had a point in class where Jan asked for people to come up who could teach mediumship. After about four people came up, I decided that this was something I could do. I was paired with Beth.
What I was supposed to do was to give her some helpful tips and pointers. Then we were going to be doing a joint reading in front of a group of students. The idea was that us ‘teachers’ were there for help and to pitch in when needed, but not to take over. This was a job for the students. I told her to trust that it will come, that the information will be there when she needs it. (All these things Marilyn has been telling me forever now.)
While others were doing their presentations, I saw Beth and asked what she was doing. She was trying to prep, to connect with a spirit and get information, but she wasn’t getting any. I told her that it would be there when she got up front. (This is the faith that I was putting into it. I had made my contract with spirit, and I was counting on them to uphold their end of it.) While the third group was up giving their reading, I told my partner that we were next. She looked at me with this “I still don't have anybody” look. I told her to just count on it being there.
We got up in front of the group and Beth looked at me and told me that she was completely blank. I had her do her alignment as I had already done mine. We were lined with spirit. I was getting an image of a lady with shoulder length straight black hair, wearing a green or brown suit. I then asked the spirit pass their energies to my partner. At that point Beth was able to see the same information I was and was able to continue on reading while I stepped back. She came up with a lot of the information I was seeing, and when she faltered, I stepped in and gave some of the pieces of information.
There were two people that felt that they spirit might be for them one on each side of the group. The energy pool was pretty much equal with each of them. We narrowed down one more piece of information and locked into Marilyn. As it turned out, it was Marilyn's aunt stopping by to say hello.
This the first time I'd ever been a leader/teacher in a group reading. I was pleased and impressed that spirit was there when I needed them and it worked out very well.