I had a client call today and ask for his money back on the unused portion of the package he bought. It wasn't that he was disappointed with the work I was doing, but that modern medicine had convinced him that their way was the best way.
This person had come to see me three times, and then the second one he purchased a five visit package. He was having many problems with pain from the various things that were wrong with him. Some of the issues included pain in his neck and pain in other places. The problem was that each time I worked on him I found more sources for his problems.
For instance he was not aligned properly, and that alignment was off so much that it was a definite issue. On the second visit I found that he had scars is in abdominal area that had been there for 12 years from an operation. These scars were having a huge effect on his back and spinal cord.
I was treating him with fascial work and myofascial release. This is what he needed and what would do the most permanent work to relieve his problems. He had taken off two months from work to get his health in line. He was dealing with a lot of stress and a lot of issues from sitting and working for long hours. He was constantly in a lot of pain and his doctor wanted to do spinal surgery. He was trying to get a second opinion, but in the meantime he decided to try holistic healthcare.
I have been making progress, but it seems like each time I worked on him I found more sources for his problems that he hadn't told me about. I worked on these as I found them, but they were far too many to address everything in a single session. In fact it was getting to the point that I was only addressing one or two of the sources with each session.
He finally got to see a second doctor and get a second opinion. This doctor decided that he wanted to do injections in his neck to cure his pain. Since my client wanted relief now, he decided to follow that route instead of the holistic care. The problem is that getting the shots would have been an instant relief, but not necessarily a permanent one. The more permanent solution would've been to address his body and not simply to mask the problems with painkillers.
Rather than argue with him, I just let him go as he had made up his mind and decided this was the approach he wanted to take. Someday, I suspect that he will have these problems again. Whether he sees me or somebody else is anybody's guess.
It's just we have been trained to believe that modern medicine is 100% correct 100% of the time. And in that belief there is no room for holistic complementary care. In truth, we are finding out that modern medicine is not always right and it is not always a cure. In truth, there are many things that can be fixed through complementary holistic processes that modern medicine gives up on and covers with medications. I can only be hopeful that someday these two types of treatments will meet and merge and people have a whole range of choices that they're being denied now.