I went to my first of town mediumship class today. Getting there was a pain, but the class was interesting.
Normally, it is a two and a half hour trip (or less), but today it took almost four hours due to weather and traffic, or weather causing traffic. The class was scheduled form 7pm to 10 pm, and I did not get to the hotel until 6:30. This made me have to skip dinner and get right to class.
I met some new people and reconnected with one or two that I knew. The class was held and a small church with a small raised area at the front of the room. The ‘stage’ was only about 12 to 18 inches higher than the rest of the floor.
One by one, Jan had us go up on the stage and find the right spot to receive the attunement. To attune is to bring into harmony. This is what happens during a Reiki attunement, where one is brought into harmony with the Reiki energies. Here we were each brought into harmony with the energies needed to do the mediumship work we were going to do.
As I got up on the stage for my turn, I moved around until I found the spot that was ‘right’ for me. I could feel the energies moving into and through me. It was almost like I was getting taller. I then had to tell a little about myself, and in that, I had to say that I was a medium. While I may have had my doubts, or may not have really considered myself one (as I figured I wasn’t good enough), after last weekend, I really do believe that I am, not because I give tremendous readings, but because I connect to spirit whenever I work.
Each person did the same thing. We each found a comfortable place on the stage and received energies.
And that was pretty much it for the evening. We did no readings, or anything else. But the real key was to get attuned as that was the prep for the next day.