I had an interesting call today. Someone called to ask about getting Reiki, and what was and what it was all about. And after I had explained all that to her, she asked me, "What religion are you?"
I immediately thought, "Here we go again." I cannot count the number of times that someone has asked that question and then decided either not to get a session from me, or not to take my classes because I did not fit into what they were looking for.
As I have done before, I explained that I consider myself spiritual, do not align myself with any religion. I have faith in a higher being, but don't want to follow the dogma that many of the faiths puts on their followers. I feel I have decent morals, and use them in making my decisions. I also use the guidance I get from spirit.
At this point I was expecting the typical response which is for the person to tell me that I'm not the right person for them. I was really surprised when her response came as she told me she was glad because she was afraid I might be somebody pushing Jesus at her.
Cool. So there are enlightened people out there. I mean I don't make a judgment on other people's faiths and what's right for them. I really do appreciate it when they do the same for me. This response was nice to hear.