I was listening to a talk by someone the other day, and they said something I knew, but really had not realized. The speaker was talking about the Law of Attraction.
Put simply, the Law of Attraction states that you bring to you what you spend the most energy on. If you spend your days thinking how good things are going to go, you help create that outcome... you attract good things to you. If you spend your day in fear, you will bring to you the things that you fear the most.
For example, when I do my work, it is in a legal, professional, and ethically and morally correct manner. Yet, if I am constantly afraid that someone will come in and misinterpret what I am doing, it will happen (as it did in another Florida county where a massage therapist and Reiki practitioner was arrested for doing Reiki and charged with practicing medicine without a license). If I put a lot of energy into being afraid, I will attract exactly that to me. If I am afraid that I will get a lot of perverts coming in, I will get that. Instead, I put my energies into bringing people to me that will understand and need my work. Because I put that positive energy out there, I get exactly the type of clientele I want.
The Law of Attraction is the basis of several books and self-help methods including 'The Secret'. You have to put the positive energy out there and keep having faith in it to make it manifest into reality. But it takes time. That is where most people fail.
But one thing the speaker I was listening to said that hit home was that the Law of Attraction is always in effect. It is always working. It is always bringing things to you based on what you are putting your energy into. It doesn't just happen when you really, really want something, or are really, really concerned about something. It is happening constantly. So whatever is going on in your head, with your attitude, you are attracting things to you. So, what is it you're attracting? And if it is not what you want, what can you change? Me, I'm attracting a good end to this year, and a great year next year.
Just something to think about.