I was in a two day seminar taught by Eamonn Downey when he said something that shocked me.
He had asked for questions on what people thought they needed. Lacey had the smart idea to simply ask him what he thought she needed. After he answered her, he looked around and I asked the same question.
Mostly what he told me was a lot of what everyone else has told me. He told me I need to get out of my way and I need confidence. He told me how honest I am with what I do. He then asked the room if there was anyone that wouldn’t want to get a reading from someone as honest and honorable as I am. Uhhh. Wow.
Now, I know where his information is coming from. He does not know me well. I have seen him maybe four times in the last four years. That is not a lot of time to get to know someone, especially when that someone is simply a student. For him to say what he did really surprises me. I mean, I like to think that I am honest in what I do. I guess spirit sees things the same way. Wow.