Today, we had several interesting classes, but finally, we got into a couple classes of Practical Mediumship.
We got into groups of three, and were told who would be working first, second, and last, and that we would bring through someone for each of the other people in the group.
The first person brought through someone for each of us, but was not very clear. The next person did the same thing. She wasn’t very clear with her first reading, but got someone I could actually recognize, the neighbor two houses down when I was growing up. It took a while to recognize her because of the information. But she asked if I had a toy tractor that I used to ride when I was little. Somewhere at my Dad’s, there is a picture of me sitting on this peddle tractor with the neighbor’s two daughters standing nearby.
When it was my turn, I looked at the person on my right who had several spirits standing around. I asked who wanted to step forward and talk with me. No one did. I then looked at the other person, and there was one person there and they were willing to talk. But I didn’t get much good information. That was when Eamonn stepped in and said to clear the energies and start again with new contacts, and that each of us should try to get someone.
Suddenly, I had this older woman, grandmother type. She was bent over, walking with a cane. She had arthritis in her back and this caused her from walking much. I could feel her crooked finger that she used to point at everyone, and make her points with it. The person on the right recognized her grandmother right away. When I asked my visitor how she passed, she told me that it was just her time. the person whose grandmother it was told me that this was just like her.
Finally, we had gotten one clear reading. I think it was just that it was the end of the day, and we were all tired.