A couple of days ago, something made me think of my friend and client. I texted her to ask how she was doing. She texted me back that she was going through another period of depression. In fact, it was so bad that her husband had wanted her to check back into the hospital that she had been in a few months ago for the same issue. I thought that my timing had been fortuitous, but then I realized that this came out of the blue so I knew spirit had intervened. We made some time for her to come see me, and that was today.
For the first while, I let her just talk while certain things she said stuck in my mind. At one point, she said that she seemed at a point where she just wanted to turn off the switch. That one scared me. I started wondering if I should be calling a true medical professional. I knew that spirit was working with me as soon as she walked in the door, so I just opened myself to guidance.
Immediately, I had a path, a route to take to see if I could help her. I got some paper and a couple clip boards, then I started putting headings at the tops of several pages. The first one was... Good Things About Me. The others included Things I do That Make Me Evil (as she had been told by her parents ages ago that she was an evil child, and it was still hanging around), Goals I Have, What I need to do to Reach My Goals, and Define Myself.
I gave them to her one at a time. While she was filling them out, I made my own lists, which I started filling out. One was to list the good things about my friend. The next was to list things she needs to do. The last was to define her. When we were both done, we started going over the lists, hers first.
She had listed a lot of good things from 'honest' to 'loving' to 'makes a good marguerita'. When she really looked at them, she realized that they were all true. She could not argue with any of them.
The next list had been hard to do. These were the things that she felt were bad about her, that made her 'an evil person'. In fact, she only came up with a few. As we went over this list, we realized that two of them were the same, and that they really did not apply to her. She felt she was self-centered. When I asked her if all she thought about was herself, she told me no. So that got crossed off the list. We did this with a few more. It left a few that were true issues, but nothing really bad. She is quick to anger, but that is something she needs to learn to control, and she can. It does not make her evil.
We next went over her goals, and simply by the fact that she had goals was a positive note. She also had a list of things she needed to do to reach her goals, and these were reasonable and laid out well.
Her final list was to define herself, and while she had trouble with it, she did well. She agreed that all of the things listed applied, and just about all of them were positive. She may have been surprised, but I was not.
Then I showed her my first list... The good things about her. I had actually filled the page. (Now many of these terms were given to me. I did not just think of them myself. The key is that spirit knows the truth about her.) She was surprised at what she saw on the list. As she went down what I had put, I asked if any of them did not belong there. She realized they were all true.
Next, I gave her my list of things she needed to do. They included things like 'have faith in yourself'' and to 'quit being a chameleon... Stop being what she needs to be for everyone else and start being what she needs to be for her'. Again, she agreed with everything I had put down.
Finally, I gave her the list where I defined her. My list was quite a bit longer than hers. She read each one slowly. Again, she agreed that all of the items on the list were true.
By this time, she had calmed down considerably. In fact, she was feeling pretty good. Now, I was ready to do energy work.
I remembered the meditation Marilyn had done with me back in January, when I had been depressed because of things said by my competitor up the street. The session she created was magic. I knew we needed something like that today, so I asked spirit to direct me and create what was needed.
I took her into the meditative state with something a bit different than usual. Once she was there, I started feeling the spirits that were in the room with us. I felt that they were ready to lay their hands on her, but she was not ready. She was facing the same issue I did six months ago, she was not feeling worthy of the healing. (This is true all too often. We tend to feel unworthy of good things happening to us. We have to be convinced that we deserve to be helped as we help others.) This was where she was. I started telling her to allow the help, to allow the healing. I then saw something I could only term as an angel standing above her head. This angel then moved to her side and put hands on her.
She was still fighting it. I kept telling her to relax and let it in. Finally, she relaxed enough to let the healing hands in. I immediately saw her being cocooned in white light. This went on for quite a while. There were several sets of hands on her. After a while, they finished, and I brought back out of the meditative trance.
By this time, she was feeling very calm. I still had one more thing I wanted to do.
I had her stand and do the shielding exercise. She set the properties on her shields to allow only good in. I impressed on her how important it was to do these exercises every morning.
Next, I dropped a shield over top of her shields. I then created a ball of fire which I covered her with. (No, it was not real fire, but ethereal fire.) This fire cut and burned every connection she had to everyone. (The point of this is that the fire cuts and cauterizes the energy tendons attaching to her so they can not grow back.) Once I was sure all of the connections had been cut, I put out the fire. I could actually see that the old connections were cut, and new ones could not get through the shields. I took down my shields leaving her with the one she setup. I had her visualize allowing only connections to people that would help her move forward. I saw some of the tendons reconnect, but many others were blocked.
At this point, she was feeling really good about things. It was at this point that I felt we should stop. There was more we could do, and probably will in the very near future, but this was enough for now.
I was near tears as I could feel the residual energies that were still there, all the love that happened in that room. Spirit had worked their magic, and allowed me to help. Very, very cool.