In all prospects, one needs focus, focus and visualization. To get something, to reach a goal, one needs to focus their energies on it. They also need to visualize it happening, to see, to feel the change as if it already happened. Caring Palms is going through a change. And as we have all heard before, the only constant is change. Change brings about growth, personally, physically, mentally, energetically. But one has to keep a focus on it. We need to keep looking at it with a positive eye and try to not let the fear that is within us overpower the possibilities that could be.
We need to look at positive outcomes, truly believing that things will change in our favor, and ignore the little boo birds that tell us how badly we are going to crash. That does not mean that we should blindly rely on faith, and expect that spirit will handle it all. It means that we should plan for problems that might come up along the way. By putting in some work, we can allow spirit to handle the part of it that we can not do. And trust me, this year. I had something that I could not handle, and I told spirit that if I am to be doing what I am doing, to take care of it as it was beyond me. And spirit did.
For instance, if I want more clients, I will tell spirit that I need more clients and to ask them to bring more clients to me. But I also go out and advertise, and do word of mouth and all the other things I do to increase business. I do the part I can, and spirit does the part that I can not.
So my part of the situation is to focus on the positive and do what I can do. Then I free up spirit work behind the scenes and do the big stuff I can't. Nice how that works, huh? (And yes, in case any of you are wondering, these things I am writing are not only things I need to pass onto others, but things I need to hear myself as I grow into the next phase.)