I had the funniest thing happen today during a Reiki 1 class.
Two of the three students I had, I had seen as clients before the class. The third was brand new.
As part of the Reiki 1 classes, I talk about scanning, and I teach the students how to do a hand scan. I also demonstrate sight scanning so that they know there is something more out there above what they ae learning.
I had my third student stand up and I sight scanned her. I told her all her problems, down to the smallest detail. I got them all correct. My student looked at me, then at the other students, then her eyes went wide. “Oh my God. You found all my problems, including the ones the doctors can’t find.”
She went on about this for several minutes. My other students thought her reaction was so cute.
She just had a real eye opening about what energy can do. Cool.