October 26, 2014

Tonight, I did one of the hardest things I have had to do in a long time. I was a support person and a Reiki healer for a client that had to say goodbye to her best friend.

Several weeks ago, my client called me over to her house to work on her 13 year old dog Deuce. The vet had said that he had cancer of the lungs, but had misread the x-ray. He had pneumonia. Reiki did a wonder on him as he was much better the next morning.

I went back on October 6th and did more work on him. And he was feeling much better after that treatment as well. Two days ago, while his Mom was out of town, he took a major turn for the worst. The person watching him got him to the emergency vet where he was treated. They put him on oxygen and flushed him with antibiotics. They also thought he had sepsis.

His Mom got an early flight back and got to the veterinary hospital just before 7pm. She had called and asked me to meet her there which I did.

Deuce was in bad shape. I immediately started doing Reiki. The energy poured into him. But he did not get better. His Mom was not sure if it was time. I was. I connected to him on an emotional level. I knew he was hurting and scared. The vet said that she could keep him, but she really did not think he was going to make it through this time. I watched him there struggling for each breath and suggested to his Mom that maybe it was time to let him go. Thirteen is old for a dog that size. He had a good life with a loving family. His ‘sister’, Bella, was there sniffing at him. She had been with him for 13 years, and would miss him. But dogs are resilient, much more so than people.

I remember when our first dog, Alfie, passed on. Our chow, Ursa, was lonely. We played with her much more, and that helped, but she missed running around the yard with him. When we got two Labrador puppies, she bounced back very quickly. I know Bella can do the same.

Finally, Deuce showed his Mom something that told her it was time to let him move on. Once that decision had been made, I leaned over and whispered in his ear. I asked him to do me one favor. I asked him to let his Mom and sister know that he was ok. And if they could not notice, to let me know so I could pass that on.

When I had to let my golden retriever, Bebe, go, I asked her to do the same thing. About three nights after she passed, I has gotten up to use the bathroom. When I came back, I had the strongest feeling that she was on the bed, laying in my spot as she always did. This feeling of her presence was so strong that I had to shine a flashlight on the bed to make sure she was not there. This was how she let me know. I wanted Deuce to do that for his Mom. I hoped that if she could not notice, I would and let her know.

I was hugging and kissing him as much as his Mom. In the couple times I had worked on him, he let me in like I was family. Bella did the same thing which for her was unusual. It was hard to stay composed in all the chaos of emotions that was going on. I managed to stay a little above it, but not completely.

The vet came in and gave Deuce a sedative. He calmed down. That was when his Mom said goodbye to him. She just could not stay for the end. But she asked that I stay with him, and I was determined to anyway. (I have had to do this with my pets about 5 times now.) When they left, I again asked Deuce to let us know that he was ok. Then the vet gave him the final injection. He did not even last through more than half of it. He moved on peacefully.

I expect it will take him a few days to adjust, then I hope he can let us know that he is fine.

Goodbye Deuce. You will be loved always. And those of us whose lives you’ve touched will see you again someday.