I did a massage today on another therapist that has been seeing me for a while. I was the fourth person he had come to with a particular problem. None of the others had been able to do anything for it.
First off, this person has been doing massage for over 30 years. The fact that he likes my work really amazes me. He had been to another massage therapist, a chiropractor, and an acupuncturist. None of them were able to relieve his problem, which was a pain in the lower back.
I started with some stretching and Myofascial work. I think I did this for about 45 minutes. I like the Myofascial stuff as it makes big changes quickly. It is not the “Oh, I had a massage feeling”, but it can do wonders. After that, I did freeform massage for another 45 minutes.
When he left, he was not in any pain. Cool.