February 4, 2015

It has been a long day. Viewing and funeral.

Had the viewing at 11am. The room we were in was much smaller than the one used for my Mom’s viewing, of course it was a different place. I was very aware how close the casket was. Now when I had been to my brother-in-law’s funeral, I went up and looked in the casket. This was a big mistake. Now my last image of him was of some figure that didn’t look like him. I did not look in Mom’s casket as I had a recent memory that I wanted to keep with me. I did the same here. Although glances toward the front of the room showed me that there was something that looked like a wax figure in a box up there. Definitely not something I want to see.

The service started a couple of hours later. Reverend Jim Ditto from the Methodist church in Aberdeen did a very good job of summing Dad up from what my brother and I told him yesterday. Most of the time he was talking, my Dad was standing off to the minister's right. Even with my open eyes, I could see and feel his energy. At one point I closed my eyes and astral projected out to see him, much younger and healthy standing there. I said “Hey” and he smiled before I popped back in. A little while later I saw his energy move to the other side of the room by the casket.

Since there were many funerals going on today (and I'm amazed that they were able to keep track of them), it was a busy place, and they were short on limos, so they hired one. We got to ride to the grave site in a party stretch limo. Could have turned on the disco light if I had wanted to. 

Had to act as a pall bearer, and pulled my back a little at the grave site. Considering the place was icy and sloped, we are lucky we did not slip on the ground. (Good thing I know where to get a massage.) Since he was a veteran, there was an honor guard and a bugle player. After the minister did his thing, the honor guard picked up the flag, folded it and presented it to my brother. I was ok until the bugler started playing taps. The sound just cut through like knife. 

Afterwards, I started to walk away and noticed my daughter by my side. Had a moment where I almost lost it, and I know she was there to grab me if I did, and I’m glad she was, but I managed to stay composed. 

We went out to dinner with relatives after we got back. It was a nice gathering. Then I sat shooting the bull with my brother for a couple of hours. Looking forward to coming home and sleeping in my own bed. Will be in town tomorrow evening. Will be back to work on Friday (because I need to) but not too early.ace, and they were short on limos, so they hired one. We got to ride to the grave site in a party stretch limo. Could have turned on the disco lights if I wanted to. Acted as a pall bearer, and pulled my back a little at the grave site. (Good thing I know where to get a massage.). Since he was a veteran, there was an honor guard and a bugle player. Almost lost it during taps. Afterwards, I started walking away, and noticed by my side. Had a moment where I almost lost it, and I know Kristine was there to grab me if I did, and I'm glad she was, but I have managed to stay composed. Went out to dinner with relatives after we got back. Was a nice gathering. Then I sat shooting the bull with my brother for a couple of hours.