January 27, 2015

Our cat of 11 years passed today from this life to the next. This is young for a cat, but it was her time. 

We adopted Isis from my wife's sister many years ago. Initially, she had to be kept separate from her other cats, so that when my sister-in-law needed to be away, she brought her over to us. Within a couple weeks, she was my cat. She used to sit on my lap when I would be on the computer. She would walk across the desk and bat at the pointer as I moved the mouse. 

When it was cold at night, I would wake up and find her under the covers between my legs. 

She was a neat and loving cat, and although I know she is out of pain, I will miss having her around. 

I’ve added some pictures here. The first is of one of the first pictures of her. The last is one of the last pictures of her in one of her favorite sleeping positions. The one in the second is of her getting an after dinner drink. So long, sweetie. I know I'll see you around, but it won't be the same.