June 1, 2015

A funny thing happened on my way to the studio... I was visited by a detective from the local police department.

Caring Palms just received a visit from two detectives from the Jacksonville Beach Police. It seems that there was an anonymous complaint made regarding the security cameras in the studio. The complaint said that they felt uncomfortable undressing because of cameras in the treatment rooms.

Now this was a shock as Caring Palms does not put cameras in the treatment rooms (something that is illegal). And while we do have security cameras, they monitor, the outside door, the lobby, the hallway, the room outside the bathroom, and the office. There are also motion detectors which monitor the hallway, the lobby, and the main treatment room / classroom. The purpose of the last two is to catch anyone that might break the glass and come in through the window. And they are motion detectors, NOT cameras.

The purpose of this security system is to protect the business(es) here when the studio is closed, and to protect the therapists and clients, especially those that work late hours. And only the public areas are monitored.

The two detectives were shown the security system, every camera location, every motion detector, and inspected every treatment room. They found nothing to support this anonymous complaint. When they left, they said that they were satisfied that everything was in order and done according to law.

Caring Palms (as well as the other businesses in the studio) respects your privacy, and do everything possible to make sure that all work is done in an ethical, straight forward manner, and that you are comfortable the entire time. And if for any reason you are not, you simply need to say something, and we will make changes. If you have any other concerns, all you have to do is ask, and we will gladly talk with you about it.

Our goal is to always help you feel better with the best work we can, and do it in a legal and ethical manner.