June 2, 2015

What is your first impression of something? Is it meeting a person and looking at them? Or is it listening to them talk? Or is it something more?

We get impressions all the time. Not only do we work on the levels mentioned above, but we also work on unseen energetic levels. Is something nagging you not to trust that used car sales person? Is there something inherent that makes you want to trust that healer?

Usually, the first impression we get is when we meet someone. We look at them and decide if they have a pleasant appearance, if they look like they care about how they look. Are they dressed neatly? Are they fit? All too many times, this is enough for most people. But all too many times, the best quality comes from the most ungainly container.

The next thing is to listen to them talk. This is a true test to see if they sound like they know what they are talking about, or if they are just throwing out any felgercarb, hoping you will bite. The person that is blowing smoke up your root chakra is usually the one talking in absolutes, especially where massage and healthcare are concerned. In massage and healthcare, there are no absolutes. No one thing works on everybody, and anyone that tells you that what they do will fix you guaranteed, is not telling you the truth. A person who claims they do not know all the answers is the one that is more trustworthy.

If this person sounds like they know what they are doing, the next impression is your experience. With massage, that is usually with their touch. And those that have had massage regularly can tell with the first couple of moves whether this person knows what they are doing.

 As a massage therapist, I know that I put all of myself into that very first touch, that first movement. This is the best impression I can give. Most massage therapists do. Does that first touch say, "Yes, I know what I am doing"? Is the way the drape is moved done with intent and knowledge, or is it haphazard? With energy work, it is a little different, but still comes out the same.

So, what impressions do you look for when you are searching for a healer? Do you walk away at first look, or do you take the time to listen? Or do you hang around to see if they have the touch?