Experience vs. Intuition. What is experience? Well, most say that it is what you get when you don't get what you want. In truth, it is the culmination of events that you have gone through in every waking (and sometimes sleeping) moment of your life. It tells us a story of happenings that then helps us set expectations for other events.
The obvious example is putting your hand on a hot burner. You experience pain, and pull your hand away. The next time you see a hot burner, the expectation is that if you put your hand on it, the same thing will happen. Of course, there are the ones that will go ahead and do it anyway just in case there is a different outcome. Of course, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is more than persistence.
But what about those experiences? What do they do? Well, they guide us in making decisions, help us to better understand what we are doing and what possible outcomes there can be. After all, if experience eliminates one possibility, then the number of possibilities has decreased and we can get a better handle on what we can expect.
When one combines experience with intuition, then one truly becomes powerful. Intuition guides us to go to a certain place, and do a certain thing. Experience helps us understand the possible outcomes which we temper into the guidance to make the best possible outcome.
This is especially true for healers. We use intuition to guide us to problems areas, to see what needs to be pushed, pulled, or rubbed. We use experience to know which of those choices would be the best, and how best to apply it.
It is a combination of the both that makes us strong. This is why we not only look for someone with experience, but someone that is intuitive to one's needs.
At Caring Palms, we hope to bring you the best of both. And in doing this, we hope we meet your needs every time.