October 10, 2015

When we start talking energy work, the term chakras often comes up. But what are they. Well, first of all, unless you are from the south, the word is not pronounced as 'chack-razz'. The correct pronunciation is 'shock- ruhs'. These chakras are the key energy centers in your body. Each has a color assigned to it (at least in most beliefs), and each controls some part of you either physically, mentally, or energetically.

There are seven main chakras, or energy centers in the body. But there are sub-chakras, and sub-sub-chakras. As part of a Reiki session, we clean, align and close each chakra. In some cases, we check for blocks and then remove those blocks.

Looking at someone, their chakras should be spinning in a clockwise manner. One usually tests this by holding a pendulum over each one and looking for how it moves. If it moves in an other than clockwise direction, that indicates that something is wrong.

Here is the basic chart...

Root Chakra Location: Pubic Bone Color: Red Controls: Physical. A block here would indicate some sort of major physical problem in the body.

Spleen Chakra / Center Location: Just below the naval Color: Orange Controls: Emotions. A block here would indicate someone is having emotional issues.

Solar Plexus Chakra Location: Just below the rib cage Color: Yellow Controls: Thought Processes. A block here would indicate someone is either having trouble thinking, or they are over-thinking (worrying.)

Heart Chakra Location: Center of chest Color: Green Controls: Balance. The balance that is controlled is not necessarily physical balance, but could be balance between work and play, or balance in life.   A block here would indicate someone is having issues that are keeping them off balance.

Throat Chakra Location: Throat area Color: Blue Controls: Communication. A block here would indicate that someone is either having trouble communicating, or they are biting their tongue a lot (not saying what is on their mind).

Third Eye / Brow Chakra Location: Center of forehead Color: Indigo (blue-violet) Controls: Insight / Intuition. A block here would indicate that someone is having trouble making decisions, or not knowing where to turn.

Crown Chakra Location: Just above the head Color: Violet Controls: Connection to spirit, ethereal connection to the universe. A block here would indicate someone not feeling too spiritually connected.

The trick to remembering the colors is to remember my friend, Roy G. Biv (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).

There is more information available on the website. Go here to see the entire chart. Each chakra also associates with a different element, like wood or metal. They also vibrate in a certain range and to a certain tone. And changing the vibration (like the last article mentioned) of that tone, we change the range of energy it is in. For instance, starting at the root, we have the notes C, D, E, F, G, A, and B. If we stretch a bit, and look at the A-note (the third eye chakra), it vibrates at 440 (and I honestly don't know if we are talking vibrations per second or not). If we double that vibration, it is still an A-note, but it is now an octave higher. If we were to keep raising the vibration of the A-note by 440, it would eventually move from the range of sound into the range of light. When it did, the color of the light would be indigo, the color of the third eye chakra. Interesting

huh? Something new to dazzle people with at trivia contests.