September 21, 2015

The more and more I do energy work, the more I learn. One of the things that I have learned is that I don't need to put all my strength, all my effort into something. In fact, I just need to relax and allow things to happen. And in doing that, I find that I am stronger.

Now having said that, I realize it could be taken a number of ways. One could think that I am just giving up and learning to be content with what is happening. That couldn't be further from the truth. What else someone might think is that I am letting the energies go and not being concerned with what they do. And while that is true for Reiki (as it goes where it needs to go most once it leaves my hands), that is not true for other energies I work with.

What I am finding is that if I try to control the energies too much, I will lessen what I am doing. I am finding that if I direct the energies with intent and care and the wish to heal, the energies are many times stronger and are more capable of doing what I want them to do. And even as I type this, I know it is sounding confusing. Let me see if I can make it clearer.

With Reiki, I teach my students to set the intention for the Reiki energy to go through them, and then to not pay attention to it. They know the process is in place, and it is happening, but by not controlling it, they allow it to be stronger. Then, because of the properties of Reiki, once it leaves their hands, it uses its own intelligence to direct itself.

With other energies, we have to tell them where to go and what to do. This could be true for Polarity, or Therapeutic Touch, or white light. It could simply be used when manipulating energies as I do when I unblock chakras (the main energy centers in the body), or removing headaches, or healing someone far away.

Now, I do some unique methods of energy healing, some of which do not have names. This can be local or distant. In these cases, I control and direct the energies to do what I want them to do as they have no other intelligence guiding them. (One could question if I am guiding them if there is any intelligence there either. Just kidding.)

Basically, I let these healing energies through me and guide them to the places they need to go, and do what I need them to do. Up until several months ago, I was utilizing my strength in doing so, just as I would utilize my muscles to push or lift something heavy. But the more and more I work with energies, I realize that I had been taking the wrong approach. Don't get me wrong in thinking that what I was doing was not effective, because it certainly was.

What I have found is that being calm, and not using my strength actually makes me stronger. I realized that if I let the energies through me instead of pushing the energies through me, the energies were much stronger. They still worked under my direction, my intent, but they were many times stronger. And I controlled them by intent rather that directing every simple little thing. This has become true for much of the energy work I do from clearing chakras to mediumship to distant healing.

So, yes, allowing and letting go, yet directing through intent is stronger than muscle. Very cool. Maybe one day, I will take that approach to life. After all, isn't life a series of energies? Instead of muscling my way through it, maybe I should just let my intent direct it.

And this just proves something I keep saying... the more I learn, the less I know, which is why I keep learning.