I saw one of my students today that has been ill since October. She has been to doctors and more doctors. She was at the end of her rope, and thought she would take a shot in the dark and come see if I could do anything.
She has had no energy, and been sleeping all day. Every doctor has told her that there is nothing wrong with her. She spent a month throwing up. She has been in and out of emergency rooms, and they keep telling her that nothing is wrong.
There were three things that happened back in October, and I can’t remember one of them. But one was that she moved in with her boyfriend. This was a good thing. The other was that she got some type of vaccine that could cause one’s hormones to go out of balance. I was looking to see if there was anything that might have been traumatic, figuring that if her energies were off, that might be a cause that I could address through meditation. As it was there was not.
She also told me that since October, she could not do Reiki. This is bad as she is a Reiki master.
A couple things came to mind. One was to do the oil drop therapy that was brand new. I felt that it might be able to do something. But I was hesitant. If her hormones were out of balance, I didn’t want to add new chemicals to the mix. I put that off for my second attempt if what I did today had no effect. So, I went with energy work.
I started by looking at her energies. I saw that several chakras were really blocked. I also saw two or three things attached to her. So, I decided to do a major chakra cleansing.
I worked through the chakras blasting white light into each until spirit let me know it was clean. I then went back and got them to “light up” in their proper colors, and went back one more time to get them spinning in the proper direction (clockwise from my point of view).
Next, I filled her with white light until I could extricate the dark somethings from her. I pulled them out one at a time, and sent them out through the ground (where they can’t get back in due to the shields in the room). Next, I did a cord cutting.
I had her stand while I shielded her. Then I set the shield on fire (energetically). I watched as every connection she had with others burned off. (Every time we make a connection with other people, we allow an attachment to that person in the form of an energetic cord. Some attachments are good, and some are not. Some good ones, over time, turn bad. Burning the cords not only cuts, but cauterizes them so they can not grow back.)
Once the cords were cut, I put out the fire and wiped off the ash. Then I had her build her own shielding inside the one I had put around her. She did the normal properties, and I had her add a new one. She set the shields so that connections that were good for her could reconnect. But those that were bad for her could no longer connect.
I also told her to allow her shields to control who connects and who doesn’t. and I have seen it too many times where someone won’t connect, and the person will think “Well, they’re a nice person, I should allow them to connect.” This is how bad connections come back. One has to let the energies of the shields make that determination as they feel things without thought.
Once her shields were in place, I removed mine from her.
She looked up at me and told me that she felt better than she had in a long time. She was wondering if she could do Reiki, so I started with having her create a ball of energy between her hands. She was surprised as she could not do that previously. Next I told her to do Reiki. She closed her eyes a second, and the Reiki energy flowed. And she’s like “I’m doing Reiki!”
She was really much better. I’m hoping she stays this way.