April 6, 2017

Today was the second of Imelda's classes in Sacred Emergence, and today's activation was powerful.

I think I surprised her when she started working on me.

I do this to people occasionally, especially those in the more advanced classes. I remember the last trance class I went to. Everything spirit kept passing through the medium in front of me surprised her. And while I knew her, she didn't know me or much about me. In fact, I don't think she though I could do much. When she connected to spirit and saw what spirit was telling me about how wonderful I am, she was taken back.

So, I think Imelda was a bit surprised at what spirit passed to her, not that I think she thought less of me, but because she didn't fully know me.

When she started the activation, I felt very powerful energies coming into me that reached into my core and then out again. I’m not sure what to do with them, but I'm expecting they will play a [art at some point.