August 1, 2017

Getting Started?

How do we get started? Why do we get started? What makes us want to get started?

With machines, it is easy. Mostly one turns a key or presses the start button. With people sometimes it is the same thing, and that start button is called coffee. But in reality, it is an attitude, a desire, something that makes us get out of bed in the morning.

Now you might think that you get out of bed to go to a menial job to make money to pay your rent/mortgage and put food on the table. But no matter the job, it is something you can do, and you can do it with an attitude of “I don’t care”, or an attitude of “I’m going to do the best job I can.” 

These are the differences that make things worth doing. After all, every job is important from the littlest most menial thing you can think of to the most important thing you can think of. For instance, say a person who makes sure electronic circuit boards are free from dust doesn’t care about his job one day, and leaves a speck of dust on one of the boards. Maybe that board gets installed in a rocket to resupply the international space station, and that speck of dust causes something to go wrong. What might not seem important in the beginning could have huge consequences.

And while this may be a stretch, what would happen if people stopped picking up the trash? Or if people at the bank didn’t check their computer code well enough, and money got mixed around all the accounts in the system? Everything is important. (I used to be a programmer at a software company years ago, and once in a while someone would release software that they claimed had "no known bugs". We all shuddered at this as we knew it had not been checked thoroughly.)

So to get started, all you need to know is that you are important, that you make a difference. That then creates the desire to do the best job you can, no matter what it is you do. And once you believe that, you will do your best. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist. All you need to know is that you make a difference. And you do.