December 2, 2017

I participated in my second public student demonstration of mediumship today. Unlike last time when I couldn’t do anything, this one went wonderfully.

There were four of us, Marilyn’s older students. John and Kay have been with Marilyn for 14 years, Susan for seven, and me for 11 and a half. One of Marilyn’s newer students wanted to try this, but only with Marilyn helping out.

We had 20 people in the audience, and I was going through my “gee, I hope I can do this phase.” Of these people in the audience were my wife and her sister, students, clients, and strangers. One client had heard about it from my newsletter. She came to the door asking if the was where the Caring Palms event was. It actually was an International Foundation for Spiritual Knowledge event advertised by Caring Palms (only because I was in it).

When we did this in June, there were seven of us, and I was the last to “perform”. By the time they got to me, all the energies had gone from the place.

This morning, when I got up, I had this song running through my head. Now, this happens every day. When I am hearing calming music, I suspect that I might be in for a rough day. Each day, it is something else. Today, I heard the rock music of the Four Tops singing “I’ll Be There”. As long as I allowed this in, I knew spirit would be there for me. And I knew I needed this for my confidence so I didn’t succumb to performance anxiety.

One by one, the four of us connected to spirit and gave a reading. I stood up, talked to the group for a moment, then opened to spirit. I pulled in white light really fast and made a connection. I started talking, and before long, I had a person recognize the person I had. The message seemed to be on point as well. We were not getting the type of feedback that we usually do in class or a private session, so I just have to feel that what I passed on was right. The person I was reading for seemed to accept it as valid.

Next, we started working in pairs. Working pairs, both try to connect to a spirit. Whoever gets one first, starts talking. They go for a bit, then the same spirit connects to the second person, and they talk for a while. This goes back and forth until they make a connection in the audience, and deliver a message.

John and Kay worked first. They made a connection, found a connection, and gave their message.

Next Susan and I worked. She had no connection, so I reached out and started talking. I had someone immediately. I talked for a bit until I ran out of things to say, and passed it off to Susan. We each got different pieces one the same person. The person we had loved music. He had no talent, but was always attached to music, probably more so than I am. It was like he moved to the beat, so much so that the drum beat was the beat of his heart. She made an assumption as to type of work, but I stated that I believed it was something else. We made a connection. At some point, the person we were reading for asked what the spirit passed from. I immediately felt it was a problem with the heart, and said heart failure, something sudden. I said that it was like the drumbeat just suddenly stopped. We were told that this was not the cause of death, that the person was shot. I asked if they were shot in the chest. His eyes went wide. Yes, heart failure, sudden. We passed on a message which had our audience member in tears. Should have thought to bring tissues.

Next it was my turn to pair with John. Now, John usually has someone before he even stands up. I looked at him and asked if he had anyone. He did not. I opened up and someone was there. I described the older lady I had, and talked a little about her, gave the name I heard, “Helen”, then I passed off to John. He looked at me and said, "I think you have my Aunt Helen. Well, Bucko, I think you're on your own." Nice. Marilyn came up and partnered with me, and we came up with good information, and passed on a nice message.

After that, Marilyn and Amy did a reading, Amy’s first. They got a spirit, a human connection, and left a message.

It was an awesome day and a great public demonstration.