December 4, 2017

I had a client in today that I have been doing energy work worth for some time. She is the original shadow fighter that I worked with.

She told me that she has been surrounded by darkness for a long time now and needs to get out of it. She told me that we need to shake things up because whatever we were doing was not working enough.

I decided to show here how to connect to white light. I got her to the right point, got her to bring in spirit energies, and sit there with them. Then I got up and put my hands on hers. I was already powered up.

I started talking. I was telling her about letting go of things. Suddenly, I felt I needed to go deeper. Once I did, I started speaking again, only this time it was different. The words coming out of my mouth were definitely being channeled, but it was along the lines of “we” instead or “me”. It was like “we are watching you, helping you.” I don’t remember much if anything of what I said, which tells me that it was direct from spirit. But, wow.

I certainly was not at that level of trance, but that was a trance message that came through. Well, she wanted something to shake things up, and she certainly got it.