December 13, 2017

More Than One Way to Skin a Cat

A friend of mine passed away a short time ago (yesterday as to when this was written). She was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer that works very quickly. Through part of this process, she lost the baby she was carrying. Then on her darkest night, a friend convinced her that there was only one true path, which coincided with this person’s religious beliefs. Because of that conversation, my friend shunned alternative care, and asked me not to do any energy work for her because it was the devil’s energy, as is mediumship and all other forms of energy work. When I last talked with my friend, She asked me not to do any work on her behalf. I told her I felt she was wrong, and that I loved her, but I would abide by her wishes.

Now, I don’t put down other’s beliefs as I feel that if you find something that works for you, go with it. I only ask that you not force that on others as the only way. When I teach, I teach to like-minded people. I give them possibilities they may not have thought of. I do not tell them that my way is the only way. Now, I can accept that for my friend, this was the path of her soul. I have a problem accepting being forced to take someone else’s belief because that person feels it is the only way.

As far as complimentary care goes, they are complimentary, made to work with other (even conventional) treatments. There is energy work of all kinds, Reiki, White Light, Healing Touch, Therapeutic Touch, Polarity Therapy, and so many more. There are essential oils that some will even tell you can cure things like cancer (not that we can legally make any type of claim of this sort). There are herbs and potions. And what we have found is that it is usually a combination of things that are the key to healing, or even curing someone.

As the title says, there’s more than one way to skin a cat. The key is not to limit yourself to one way. Look at many of them. Find what works the best for you even if it is a combination of things. Don’t settle for “this one way is the only way”. Don’t put up with “this is the only treatment that has a chance”. Look at all the alternatives, and get all the help you can whether that be drugs, or energy work, or prayer. Accept it all.

My friend now rests with her daughter, her mother whose eulogy I gave two years ago, and her grandmother who passed a few months before her mother. She leaves behind a fiance', a dog named Caspian, and a brother and a father who have seen way too much loss in the past three years as well as many friends who will miss her shining star among them.

If we make any changes this new year, let it be to accept others for who and what they are. Let it be that we look down multiple roads before choosing what is right for us. Let it be that we don’t limit ourselves to one path just because someone else believes it. And let us know that there is more than one way to skin a cat.