December 29.2017

My second shadow fighter was in again, and had a unique request.

She was told that at some time in the near future that she would need to be able to power up with white light instantly. Interesting. We’ve got it down to a few seconds with stepping back into our power, but instantly?

Of course, why not? But like anything else, you start slow, and increase your speed over time. Let’s say you are a runner. You might have decent time running 100 yards when you start out. But with practice and effort, your time will decrease because you get better at it. The same is true for energy work.

At the same time, we may also hold on to old habits because they are familiar and in that, comfortable. But time does come to move on, to do things quicker, easier. So I thought about it, and if I mentally prep myself we saw that we could take a step forward and be at full power. But that is still not instantly, and it does involve a physical motion.

So, I thought about it again, and I said why not? So I showed my student how to be at full white light power in a second with a single thought. She loved it. I now use this all the time.