January 1, 2017

It seems each year, I start out with an article on newness. And I guess I can't resist doing it again. After all, with the turn of the clock, 2016 will fade into the sunset, only the things that happened will remain in our minds. The year itself will be gone forever. And at that moment, the year 2017 will begin.

As the typical stereotype goes, the year will start out as a baby, full of hope, full of promise. It will then grow and form as we make it. It is our energies, our thoughts and desires that will give it the basis to be a good year, or a bad one. It is then our perceptions that willdetermine what it truly is.

But it is our living in the moment, looking ahead with hope, projecting toward that goal, and believing that it will happen that will in fact create the year we want. Sure, things will happen that might deter us from that course. But as we cope with them, and not let them drag us down, we will stay on target, and this coming year will form into something good.

We at Caring Palms thank you for the support you have shown us in this past year, and invite you to join us in forming this year to come into something great.