January 20, 2017
Trance Class, Day 1

While it has been an interesting set of exercises we have done, there was one session where we were in pairs. We had to trance, tell our partner what energies we were going to be healing them with, do healing, and then tell what was done… all from spirit.

I worked on my partner and gave her a tremendous amount of energy. But then she got to work on me.

She connected to spirit in trance mode. Spirit told me that they were giving me healing energy, and more so self healing. Spirit (in the body of my partner) started working on me, sending me energy. I opened up and let it in. I felt like I was being rewritten on a DNA level from head to toe. Then it took another pass and changed things more. Finally, they made adjustments which I felt in a couple other areas.

Spirit then told me that they were honored to give me this healing as they knew I would pass it on to others. They knew I would know what to do with it.

When she came out of the trance, she told me that she didn’t have just one spirit coming though her. She had a collective working through her. This is very, very unusual. She felt very honored for them to trust her for this work. According to what they told her and me, they are honored by what I do, and are glad to work with me. That is why they gave me the gift they did.

Now anyone that knows me know that I don’t think I am anything special. I manage to use energies that help people. And a lot of the time I hope I am doing the best I can, and sometimes wonder if I am open enough. For someone to tell me they are honored to work with me makes me nervous. It also makes me wonder if I can live up to the task they expect of me.

I don’t know. I know that I need to grow as a healer. I guess this is part of it.