July 2, 2017

What is a Lightworker?

I’ve used the term lightworker in articles before. I may even have tried to define it (but I usually can’t remember yesterday, so I could be wrong). So, since I seem to be using it a lot lately, I thought I would try to define it so everyone knows what it is.

Ok, so what is a lightworker? No, it is not one who doesn’t work at night, just in case that’s what you thought. Serious now. A lightworker is a healer who works on the levels of energy, usually partnering with the spirit realm to help others. This can be in the form of healing, teaching, helping promote growth of spirit, and generally empowering others. 

Now that in itself is a mouthful. Let’s see if we can break it down a bit. Someone that works with energies. Energies are all around us, and what we do with them can help or hurt someone. Usually, when we talk about a lightworker, we are talking about someone that knows some type of energy discipline, like Reiki, or Therapeutic Touch, but there are many other forms, including mediumship. Partnering with the spirit realm. Many of these energies connect the practitioner to the spirit realm, such as Reiki where universal energy comes through the practitioner into someone else. That energy is spirit guided (and there are no evil spirits involved in healing). 

But energy discipline is a loose phrase. Within the realm of lightworkers, we have energy practitioners, mediums, psychics, and teachers. Yes, teachers. There are many teachers that instruct in the ways of energy, and I’m not just talking traditional practices. These teachers connect others with spirit. They teach people meditation, creating spirit consciousness, and other things to bring them above the noise and confusion that this world is. Once these people see clearly, they are more able to help others. These teachers open up energy passageways in students so that they are open to more things, to have a better understanding of what is going on so they can help. And through this, they empower others so that they also can help. Sometimes, even just giving a kind word or consoling someone is being a lightworker, as that does pass energies of caring, concern, and healing.

I am a lightworker. I train others to be lightworkers, or help them on their paths as lightworkers. I also use these skills in my healing practice using unique modalities to help others. Even when doing massage, I feel guided. That is what we are. That is what we do.

Now, next time you see the term lightworker, you will have a greater understanding.