July 22, 2017

I held my first Ascension Theory workshop today, and it was scary and magical.

Going into today, I knew that I would be talking on some things, though I did not know what. I knew there would be a meditation, but did not know what on. I also knew there would be an activation, but already knew that I would have little to do with that, at least consciously.

About an hour before class, I sat down at the computer and asked for some help. I got an 8-word outline which is what I taught the class from. We had nine students, some mediums, two shaman, a couple medical people, and more.

As I looked at each item on my outline, I was immediately able to start talking as it was all inspired speaking. The meditation brought them down to sit in the power of spirit. One person admitted that it had scared her a bit as when she had previously invited spirit in, she had problems.

I turned to her and information came through me, helping her to understand the issues, making sure she knew that this was sacred space, and that she was safe and protected. All this just flowed from spirit.

We talked more about other things, and then I did the activations.

I had each person come up and sit in the chair in front of me. I put my hands on their shoulders and went close to the trance level I go to. I basically stepped aside. I let spirit do all the work, yet I could see a lot of what was happening. In some, new energy pathways were being drawn. In others, building blocks were being formed. Some, there was clearing. In all, each person got what they needed. Any hand positions I did were prompted by spirit.

Everyone enjoyed it. many commented that I had grown as I had to be to the point that I trusted spirit completely and let loose my control. When we do this, it all flows.