July 23, 2017

Today, I went on my first ghost visitation. I went with my mediumship teacher, Marilyn and my friend and student John. We went to see the ghost at the Buddhist Meditation Center nearby.

For a while, there has been this spirit in the meditation room (a closet) that has been not too kind to some of the people that came in to meditate. Now, John, one of Marilyn’s oldest students could sense her and when he went in to meditate asked if he could share the space. This showed a sign of respect ad recognition to the spirit.

While Marilyn and I could sense her, Marilyn was able to sit down and talk with her. She found out that this person had been abused in her life as a Geisha. Marilyn was shown how they would tie the feet to keep these girls from running away. She was shown a lot of other things that John had not been shown, probably because he was male.

Marilyn then asked the spirit to let go of her pain, and her burden and give it to me. I held out my hands and let her pour negative energy into them. When she stopped, I had a bundle of dark energy that I needed to get rid of. I walked out of the room and pushed all this negativity into the ground to be cleaned by the earth.

When I returned, Marilyn had left to sit in another room. She was having trouble dealing with the pain she had felt from the spirit. I went in and sat down, asking the spirit if I could join her. I had an image of this woman, chained and held captive by someone or something. I wondered if I could help.

I reached out and tapped into the white light. I then used it to sever the chain holding her. It grew back. I did it again, and it did the same thing. Getting a little annoyed, I reached out and hit the chain with white light again, but this time, the whole chain. I sent a blast of white light the length of the chain to the spirit and a huge blast to whomever was holding her. I felt I had sent enough to knock someone on their backside and cause them to let the chain go.

It worked. The chain did not reappear, and the spirit seemed free, and happy. I asked Marilyn to come in and chat wither again. She confirmed that the spirit was no longer tied to whatever had her, and that she was free to come and go as she wanted. And she felt that the spirit was happy.

As we figured out, there were several people there that were not kind to their wives, and those were the people that the spirit was nasty to. For the most part, this stopped. John also remembered some artifact being left outside the door that was brought in. it was after that, that the spirit appeared.

So apparently, she was tied to this item, whatever it was. Now she was free to do as she wanted.