May 1, 2017

Calming The Mind

We hear a lot of things telling us to clear our minds. Mostly, I remember Yoda telling that to Lukeā€¦ “Clear your mind. Now reach out with your senses.” Effectively, it is what I do when I work. I clear my mind, which allows energy to enter, and then I reach out with those energies to assess someone, or treat someone. But this idea is not just for energy workers. It is for everyone.

I was recently shown a chart of brainwave activity, and the stages of mind we are in at certain frequencies (thanks Marilyn).

It starts with the Gamma state (or frequencies). This is anything greater than 35 modulations per second (m/s). This is your panic mode, your fight or flight mode. Remember when David Banner got an overdose of Gamma radiation and he morphed into the Incredible Hulk? This is that stage. The mind has one thing that it is dealing with. (Have you ever seen pictures on TV showing the needle on a lie detector? Is moves back and forth at a slow even rate when someone is telling the truth. But when that person lies, it goes back and forth crazily. The more active our minds are, the more the waves look l this crazy back and forth motion where there is no room for anything other than what is happening in the moment. The more relaxed we are, these waves slow and separate. Here, there is room for inspiration to seep in. There is room for creativity.)

After that, we have Beta which is 24 to 35 m/s. This is where we spend most of our time (I’m sure we’ve all heard that we spend most of our lives in Plan B). We drive to work, do math, have conversations. Nothing special here, just normal stuff. But there is little room for inspiration or creativity. The same is true for gamma where there is no room for anything but panic. To be creative, we need to slow our minds down, down below the normal daily operating level.

As we start the process of slowing, we enter the Alpha state (13 to 23 m/s). In this state, we are relaxed, but aware. This is where we go when we quiet down, and start listening to things. At the lower end of this, we do meditation. (It was while in a meditative state that Usui discovered Reiki. It was also in this state that Einstein created his most famous formula E=MC2.) There is creativity there as we start opening to possibilities.

As we start really slowing down, we reach Theta (4 to 12 m/s). This is the level we are at just before we fall asleep. At the high end of Theta, we could be doing meditation. But more into that state, we are much more open to ideas. For those of us that do mediumship, this is where we live while working, and giving readings, and in some cases writing articles for monthly newsletters. I use this state for Trance healing. This is where I move out as much as possible, and let spirit direct me to direct healing energies. This is where creativity can come in greatly. Ever have an idea as you were falling asleep? 

At the bottom end, we come Delta (.5 to 3 m/s). In this stage, one is out like a light. This is our sleep state. And ideas can come through here as well. Did you ever solve a problem while sleeping, only to lose that solution when you wake up? (I’ve been told to keep a pen and paper next to the bed so I can write down the ideas I had. Of course, I didn’t, and have lost many ideas.) This is our testing ground. This is where we go out and play while our bodies rest. For energy workers, this is where we go when we enter Trance mode, where we step aside and let spirit in enough to talk, or teach. It is where creativity is in abundance. 

So, in our busy lives, we don’t take the time to slow down, to open to creativity. I know that when I am sitting in the evening watching some TV program, I am also working on my tablet, still doing things to help the business. However, when I need to write an article, I go to a place of quiet, listen to some classical music, and let creativity enter (as I am doing now). 

It doesn’t take much to quiet the mind, at least a little. Sit in a quiet space (which could be inside or outside). And just notice things, the breeze, smells, the warmth of the sun. Inside you might notice the ticks of the clock, the quiet, maybe the soft music playing. 

Not only does this slow the mind, it slows the heart as well, which is better for our health. Take some time out (yes, you can do it), and just quiet yourself for a little bit. Let thoughts of work, and life, and just things slip away. You’ll have plenty of time to work on them later. Right now, just start by breathing deeply, and letting things wash away. Then let calmness and creativity in. you will thank yourself for it.