May 2, 2017


And speaking of creativity, did you know that I had the idea for GPS long before it was invented? Really. And it came in a dream. 

I was 17, and I was dreaming about flying my personal uhh, jet or some such vehicle to my underground base. (Yes, my dreams run the gamut of helping people, doing unique things with unique equipment, to commanding starships, but you expected that.) 

I remember trying to get to the underground base, to the opening so I could vertically land my craft. The problem was that it was foggy, very thick fog, so thick I could not see where I was. I adjusted my instruments so they connected to certain satellites that my group had placed in orbit. They told me exactly where I was, within a foot or two. I then safely lowered the craft through open doors, and landed on the floor below. (It is stuff like this that becomes the basis for much of science fiction. Science fiction is ideas that when seen by people of scientific means become science fact. It always takes the dreamer to create the idea so that someone with the technical knowledge can latch onto the idea and make it a reality.)

Now at 17, I did not have the wherewithal (nor the math skills) to make this into reality. It’s a good thing that someone else had the same idea. 
When ideas come to people, they come to several people at once. Someone, somewhere will develop it. But one has to be in a quiet state for it to happen. 

So, what are you going to dream of tonight that will change the world?