Phoenix Rising

In each of these cases, the dress was made to be a companion to the Phoenix outfits. 

Click on the each image to see a larger version.

Phoenix Rising was created out of the desire to create something comfortable, yet flashy.  Sequined fabric was used for the design pieces, including the bird on the back and the matching one on the belt buckle.  The gown was made to be flowing with the cape like attachment. 
Tbird9.jpg (82067 bytes) Ob2.jpg (69160 bytes) This outfit was made to follow the pattern of the other.  The pants were two layers, one with holes in it, and the other solid underneath.  The belt was made so a regular belt could run through it, so it would support the weight of a lightsaber.  The boots were made from sneakers.  The gown has a definitely Japanese styling, with many layers and a sash in the back.  The belt was made to be styled after the other.