The Original Series

Costume recreations and designs from the final frontier.

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Kirk1.jpg (95735 bytes) Kirk2.jpg (74063 bytes) Beam me up Scotty.  It's the captain's wrap around shirt.
trek.jpg (28764 bytes) trek2.jpg (29464 bytes) This is the classic movie captain's uniform and the Next Gen science uniform.  The phaser was carved from wood with electronics added.  No, that second picture is not digitally enhanced.
Tux1.jpg (91521 bytes) Tux2.jpg (99410 bytes) Saturday Night Trekker.  This was a standard tuxedo with the cape from H'vran Lon Rhee's first outfit.  The ears grew that way after being caught in a mechanical rice picker during childhood.  (Thank goodness for that American missionary who was also a skilled plastic surgeon.)
Mccoy1.jpg (102288 bytes) Mccoy2.jpg (87606 bytes) The doctor is in.  This costume was used in the Doctor Who presentation.
Horta.jpg (61298 bytes) This presentation was born out of desire to do something different.  Initially, we made the Horta, then sat around wondering what else we could do.  Asking "what is big this year", we came up with the second part.  As the presentation went, Kirk shot the Horta, and then called for McCoy to fix it.  The Horta reacted badly to the silicon used and started mutating into a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.  The Horta part acted as a shell for the turtle. 

The Horta was shaped with chicken wire and hula hoops, then sprayed with expanding foam insulation, and then painted.  The turtle was made with material for the body.  The head was created by using clay and a beach ball to create the shape, then material was glued on in strips to form the mask.  The back of the mask was foam rubber. 



The Horta

(This was our first filming, and we learned a lot, like not having the camera within thw seats.)


The Four Treks