As Darkness Grows

While at the Darkover convention, the group On The Mark called for a Babylon 5 song to be created from a song that they had just performed.  Suddenly, an idea was born that would not go away.  It so much stuck that most of it was written on the trip back home from Maryland.

The original song was in two parts, the first dealt with an innocent being trying to escape a coming evil.  The second part was the voice of the evil entity telling how it would destroy the innocent. 

This was a perfect situation for the conflict of the humans and other races in the Babylon 5 station, and their approaching menace, beings called the Shadows. Both sides come out very well together mirroring the original song.  If you have seen the series, you will recognize certain key phrases which every song writer likes to throw in to enhance their songs.  


To the tune of

As Darkness Grows


Performed by

On The Mark


























As Darkness Grows

By Brian and Shirley Dean

Outside as space grows darker, the evil draws much closer,

just waiting for its chance to be reborn.

Within a single station, with hope, and trepidation,

we lay our battle plans, now taking form.

They dance, the Shadows, as the darkness grows.

The Shadows are advancing, through galaxies we're dancing,

and everywhere we dance we shall bring death.

Your advancing stages, evolution through the ages,

will vanish as you draw your final breath.

Your time has come to a close, as the darkness grows.

At Babylon we're frightened, with all our senses heightened,

we sit between the Shadow and the Light.

We crouch here in our starkness, and fear the coming darkness,

while waiting for the final closing fight.

Where can we hide, where can we go, as the darkness grows.

There's no one that can help you, and no where left to run to,

no shelter in a galaxy of fright.

To your souls we will lay waste, we have no need for haste,

for you're open, all alone in the night.

To Hell will go your souls, as the darkness grows.

All the plans that you've been making, and the steps that you've been taking,

make us wonder now how much it all will cost.

We are sitting steady, and for you we will be ready,

at Babylon's the line that won't be crossed.

Evil's advance never slows, as the darkness grows.

In a thousand searing flashes, your station will be ashes,

then each and every race will quickly fall.

Your final destination, a burst of radiation,

will soon be seen by those who come to call.

Witness your final throes, as the darkness grows.

Although we're growing weary, and the coming dark is scary,

we ready for the battle that does loom.

We will find our window, and we'll strike back at the Shadows

and we will stab your heart at Z'ha'dum.

Watch as our light glows, as the darkness grows.

You think that you can fight us, and so your cause is righteous,

but your Gods are silent now and evermore.

Your grounds will not be hallowed, enveloped by our shadows,

your cry of death will be our loudest roar.

Hell will overflow, as the darkness grows.