FreeFall Personnel

Original Group

(Iteration 1)


Shirley Dean

Jan Sayre


First Regeneration

(Iteration 2)



Shirley Dean

Jan Sayre

Patti Hynson


Second Regeneration

(Iteration 3)



Shirley Dean

Jim Kratzer

Sandy Kratzer

Frank Snyder

Director and Technical Support 

for all iterations:

Brian Dean

Note on Writing Credits:

Credit is given to each person that played a major part in the creation of each song.  If someone helped, and their help changed a word or two in a song, they did not get credit.  If their help changed a line or two, credit has been given.  In most cases where I write, I can come up with a fully flushed song, but I need help in cleaning it up and making it presentable.  That's where I turn to Shirley for help.  She usually has the phraseology needed to finish it up.  The one who contributed the most to the creation of any song is listed first, followed by the person that contributed the next most, and so forth.