Itty Bitty Part

This was a fun one.  We took the most loved, most hated country music song of all time (Achey Breaky Heart), and turned it into a space ballad.  It tells the story of a third rate engineer on a deep space flight who as part of maintenance takes the engines apart.  And through his machinations, he loses this Itty Bitty Part.  Of course that part was a key component to making the engines work. 

The audience reaction at the Shore Leave convention was wonderful.  Many noticed the tune right away, but everyone loved the parody because most science fiction fans don't like country music.

When FreeFall performed it, Jan was debating on how to bill himself.  He was debating between Billy Ray from Sirius (since the original performer was Billy Ray Cyrus) or as Darth Brooks (or maybe it was Garth Vader).


To the tune of

Achey Breaky Heart


Performed by

FreeFall, Iteration 2 and 3


















Itty Bitty Part

By Brian Dean, Shirley Dean, and Jan Sayre

We were on a flight, the engine wasn’t right

I took it down for needed maintenance.

I took all the parts and put them on a cart

I just don’t know why I was so tense.

I got each part clean, just like a new machine

and put them back, where they each belong.

Then it stopped, my heart

I lost this little part

I don’t know where in space it might have gone.

(chorus) I just lost a part, an itty bitty part

and I can’t run the hyperdrive this way,

It’s just a little part, an Itty Bitty part,

I know its gonna be a lousy day.

You can tell you Ma, we won’t get to Arkansas,

We won’t even reach our galaxy.

No one will ever know, Triple A will never tow

We’ll drift along forever, you and me.

Got to find that part, that tiny little part.

It could be almost anywhere, I fear

All the spares are used

and now we’ve blown a fuse

I’m afraid we’re even running out of beer

I just lost a part, an itty bitty part

and I can’t run the hyperdrive this way,

It’s just a little part, an Itty Bitty part,

I know its gonna be a lousy day.

(vocal only this chorus)

I just lost a part, an itty bitty part

and I can’t run the hyperdrive this way,

It’s just a little part, an Itty Bitty part,

I know its gonna be a lousy day.

(add instruments)

I just lost a part, an itty bitty part

and I can’t run the hyperdrive this way,

It’s just a little part, an Itty Bitty part,

I know its gonna be a lousy day.