Next Gen Enterprise Bridge Song

It was coming down to the last season of Star Trek: The Next Generation, and we had this running joke about what the actors would do.  We figured that most of them would just end up out of work.  This idea came from the Next Gen fan's plea to see their show as movies. 

This was another case where the writer stepped in as an off stage voice to play the parts of Patrick Stewart and Jonathon Frakes.


To the tune of

The 59th Street Bridge Song

(better known as) Feelin' Groovy



Performed by

FreeFall, Iteration 2











Next Gen Enterprise Bridge Song

(Please Make Movies)

By Brian Dean

Hello Paramount, whatcha know-ow

I can’t find my Next Gen show-ow.

It’s been canceled, I’m not fine.

It’s been replaced by Deep Space Nine.

La da da da da da da, Please make movies,

La da da da da da da, Next Gen movies.

(spoken over interlude)

Hello Star Trek Association of Towson, this is Patrick Stewart. You

remember me don’t you... Pontiac... I know in the past I have never

made it to one of your conventions because it falls on my birthday,

but I thought this year it would be nice to spend it with Star Trek

fans. What? you already have Rene Aborjonois? We could come out as

a duo, since Next Gen created Deep Space Nine? Oh, ok, well maybe

next year. Please keep me in mind.


Hello Paramount, it’s been three year-ears

No new Next Gen is what I fear-ear.

Won’t you please help us out.

Show that Trek fans still have clout.

La da da da da da da, Please make movies,

La da da da da da da, Next Gen movies.

(spoken over interlude)

Hello, Star Trek Association of Towson. This is Jonathan Frakes. I

really would like to come to Shore Leave this year. What, no, no,

I can reduce my fee from 15 thousand. How about 10 thousand. What

How about 5. Tell you what, I’ll pay you. I’ve been out of work for

three years and could really use the publicity. I’ll bring my wife!

No I really did not mean that comment on Arsinio Hall.


Just reruns to watch, no new shows to see.

I’m said and depressed and I’m upset you see

cause there are new adventures you could make for me.

Paramount I’ll love you, make Trek movies.

La da da da da da da, Next Gen movies.