The Borg Are Back

  During one of the seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation, they brought back the Borg.  This time, they were acting strangely because they had been taken over (at least this faction had ) by Lore, Data's 'brother'.  In the episode, we see Dr. Crusher being left in command of the Enterprise while all senior personnel beamed down to a planet to find, and fight the Borg.  Needless to say several members got captured.  Also needless to say, the episode ended with 'To Be Continued', another summer cliff hanger.

The fact that the Borg had returned, and turned it into yet another cliff hanger, spawned the idea for this song.  


To the tune of

My Boyfriend's Back


Performed by

FreeFall, Iteration 2






















The Borg Are Back

By Brian Dean, Shirley Dean, and Jan Sayre

Written for the second Borg Cliffhanger

(spoken part) You went away, and I hung around,

and watched reruns every Saturday night.

And just when I thought the story was through,

you said "To Be Continued", and that just wasn't nice.

 The Borg are back and there's gonna be some trouble

                Hey la, look out, the Borg are back

Here they come better warp out on the double

                Hey la, look out, the Borg are back

The Borg are back and they want the Enterprise,

                Hey la, look out, the Borg are back

We better find someplace to run and hide,

                Hey la, look out, the Borg are back

Yes, they want the Federation,

All by assimilation,

They've been gone for such a long time, oooh

                Look out Jean-Luc, the Borg are back. Wait and see.


The Borg are back and here they come

                Hey la, look out, the Borg are back

Red alert and now let's run,

                Hey la, look out, the Borg are back

The Borg are back and they're coming after you,

                Hey la, look out, the Borg are back

All because of that meddling Q,

                Hey la, look out, the Borg are back

Yes that Q is such a ham,

Thanks to him we're in a jam,

He brought this all down upon us, oooh

                Look out Jean-Luc, the Borg are back. Wait and see.


The Borg are back and there's been some change,

                Hey la, look out, the Borg are back

Lore's moved in to help them rearrange.

                Hey la, look out, the Borg are back

Now they've captured Data and Picard,

                Hey la, look out, the Borg are back

The lesson they learn will come very hard.

                Hey la, look out, the Borg are back

Yes, someone's gonna get a beatin'

We won't find out till next season.

We'll have to wait all summer long. Uoooh

                Look out, look out, the Borg are back. Wait and see.