The Gnome Liberation Front (G.L.F.)


Gnomes in the News

True gnome stories from

About a year ago, I ran across a news article that had to do with thefts of gnomes in Europe.  There was a high profile group called the Garden Gnome Liberation Front that had managed to steal gnomes from some very interesting places, like museums and so forth.  This of course led to a song, sort of a companion piece to ‘Gnomes on the Range’, which Shirley and I wrote a few years ago.  Once the idea came across, it was very evident what song it had to be sung to.  Unfortunately, once the disasters of September 11, 2001 happened, the song couldn't be performed as the Battle Hymn was being used for other things, like a mobilizing force for our country to strike back at terrorism. Well, when another news story appeared on, I realized that it was time to pull it out and dust it off.  Keep in mind that the Garden Gnome Liberation Front was based in the Europe.  The group in the newer story is in Montana.  Like the song says, 'We’re right there in your neighborhood, and spread throughout the lands'.


To the tune of

The Battle Hymn of the Republic
































Gnome Liberation Front (G.L.F.)

By Brian Dean and Andrea Gansley-Ortiz

Our eyes have seen the glory of the saving of the gnomes.

We have taken them from gardens, there atop the fancy stones.

We will not rest until the day that all the gnomes are free.

The G.L.F. goes on.

Glory, glory halleluiah.

Our cause is not all that peculiar.

We measure freedom with a ruler.

The G.L.F. goes on.

We’re the Gnome Liberation front. Our numbers are quite grand.

We’re right there in your neighborhood, and spread throughout the lands

To free the gnomes from statuary is our grandest plan,

The G.L.F. goes on.

Glory, glory halleluiah.

Our cause is not all that peculiar.

We measure freedom with a ruler.

The G.L.F. goes on.

Not snow, nor rain, nor gloom of night will keep us from our task.

Freedom for the little runts, is that too much to ask?

The horror of this slavery is what we must unmask.

The G.L.F. goes on.

Glory, glory halleluiah.

Our cause is not all that peculiar.

We measure freedom with a ruler.

The G.L.F. goes on.

There are those who think the time we spend unworthy of the need,

That poverty or hunger or world peace we should impede,

But for those who understand us come now join us in our deed.

The G.L.F. goes on.

Glory, glory halleluiah.

Our cause is not all that peculiar.

We measure freedom with a ruler.

The G.L.F. goes on.

To those of you who are still keeping gnomes against their will.

We know who you are and will be closing for the kill.

We'll make our stand just like that one way back at Bunker Hill.

The G.L.F. goes on.

Glory, glory halleluiah.

Our cause is not all that peculiar.

We measure freedom with a ruler.

The G.L.F. goes on.

Glory, glory halleluiah.

Our cause is not all that peculiar.

We measure freedom with a ruler.

The G.L.F. goes on.