We're From Rigel

I don't know what I was thinking, but we were kicking around song ideas when this popped into my head.  We started playing with verses, and came up with a song.  

The song is based on someone taking a luxury cruise from one star system to another. The reservations were booked by a less than reputable travel agent, and a less than reputable cruise line.  The agent promised all types of entertainment during the cruise which, of course, turned out to be nothing, thus leading to a long, boring trip. 

This was performed by the first iteration of FreeFall.  When we told Jan the song we were using, he said "Oh great.  Now you've got me playing 'The Sound of Music' on guitar." He did very well coming up with all the chords and the song was very well received. 


To the tune of

Sixteen Going On Seventeen



Performed by

FreeFall, Iteration 1



















We're From Rigel

By Brian Dean and Shirley Dean

We wanted a vacation

to a distant place

so I went to my travel agent

She made us a deal

on a luxury cruise

that guaranteed excitement...


We're from Rigel heading to Antares

this trip is such a bore,

Where's the adventure, Where's the excitement

This is no stellar tour.

We were promised lots of adventure

but it just makes me snore,

in the theeaater all they are showing

is reruns of Star Wars.    

The agent promised this trip would be full of fun galore,

When we get back I'm gonna complain to the inter-steller board.

We're from Rigel heading to Antares

this trip is such a drag

where are the bathing beauties galore

all I see's one old hag.

We're from Rigel heading to Antares

my cookies I just tossed,

I asked the captain where he got his license

I hope we don't get lost.

The agent promised this trip would be full of fun galore,

When we get back I'm gonna complain to the inter-steller board.

We're from Rigel heading to Antares

this is a lousy tour,

In hyperspace there's not much to see

Travelling is a chore.

I heard the captain telling the first mate"

Who died and made you Blake?"

While they were fighting, oops there's Antares

I think that we're gonna be late.

The agent promised this trip would be full of fun galore,

If we get back I'm gonna complain to the inter-steller board.

We're past Antares heading toward who knows?

I think we're out of luck

If I get my hands on that travel agent

She didn't give a....

We're past Antares heading toward who knows?

the crew left without a trace,

I think we may be in real trouble

We are now Lost In Space.