Welcome To My Home Page

I hope you find this place interesting and informative.  It has been a long hard battle bringing this to you, but it has been worth it.  Just last week, I was in Cairo looking for the best place to build a dam to deal with the rains that will devastate the place in the fall, when my compass, Pathfinder 2, pointed me to a computer outlet.  I checked my mail and found that my web site was almost ready to go.  I packed my bags, hopped aboard Groundhog 1, and headed home to oversee the finishing touches.  I figured that the dam could wait a little while.  After all, what’s one more dam project?

What I think we have come up with is impressive to the eyes, and stimulating to the brain.  It has been a long time in the making, and it is finally here.  We've added content from lots of sources.  You get the weather from a reliable source, news from MSNBC, the daily horoscopes, and even a couple jokes to make you smile.  And of course, we had to put in a section on Star Wars news.  Why it was my great great uncle, Obi-Wan Kenohog (not to be confused with my cousin Obi-Comin Round-the-Mountainhog), who would sit with me when I was just a pup.  He listened as I told him all of my dreams to leave the valley and find greatness.  He gave me some advice then that I follow to this very day. In fact, I can still hear his voice saying, "George, George, use the farce." 

With all the traveling I do, it is hard to get something like this done.  If not for the dedicated work of my friends, it would never have happened.  I want to thank Brian and Shirley Dean for their hard work and dedication to this project.  Shirley took charge of all the costs and accounting, as well as supplying necessary costumes for the workers.  Brian pulled together all resources necessary including subletting space on his Reiki site (at an exorbitant price). 

Thank you both, and thank you for visiting.



 P.S.  Be looking for changes in the near future.  I want to tell you about all the projects I have been working on, especially the golf course I am designing.  I will also be starting a travel journal some time in the future.  So, please check back.