George The Groundhog

George is one of the great successes of the century.  He has come from nowhere, and made his mark on the world.  Today, there isn't a corner of the globe that isn't better thanks to the efforts of George and his company ShadowCasters.

George started life on February 2nd some 27 years ago in the hills outside of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.  Although he was the runt of a very large litter, he strived for greatness.  Even as a pup, he knew he had a destiny, a destiny that grew and changed as did the weather.  As the years passed, and George grew older, he kept looking at the skies, knowing there was something for him there.  Although, he was a hard worker, learning his family craft, and mastering it, he knew that digging would not be his life's work.  

One day, near the completion of another project, George saw a flash of lightning, and knew there was a major storm approaching.  Using his quick wits, he directed is community through the necessary steps to get the project completed before the storm hit.  The village was saved by George's quick thinking and actions.  

Shortly afterward, he knew he had more important places to be.  So, George packed up his bags, said goodbye to his family and friends, and headed off to the big city.  Once there, he found life wasn't easy, yet he persevered.  He pushed at the system until people started looking at him differently, until he wasn't treated as just another rodent.

It was the job at the Philadelphia TV station (WHOG) that brought George to prominence.  He proved that he could predict the weather more accurately than their weather reporter (who actually got his information from the national weather service).  George showed that he could predict the weather accurately for any part of the globe at least five days in advance.  Once George realized he had a product, and figured a way to market it, most television stations purchased his service and fired their weather reporters.  

With the demands, George found he needed help, so he created his company, ShadowCasters, and started hiring staff.  Today, George is CEO of one of the largest grossing small businesses in history.  Twice, he had been named Businesshog of the Year.

George is also an inventor and engineer.  Initially, his weather predicting was based on his cognitive abilities (other members of his family have some small abilities, like his cousin Phil in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania), but George was able to define his abilities, and actually apply them to engineering, and create a weather predicting machine. Interfaced with a computer, this machine (the only one in existence) will give an accurate report even while George is in other parts of the planet.  (Some suspect that this machine can actually change the weather, not just predict it, but there is no substantiating evidence.)  Because of this, George has time to put his other skills to use, engineering dams and other irrigation projects around the world, and pursuing his passion, traveling.  Whenever things get slow, George grabs his compass, Pathfinder II (Pathfinder I was lost during a trip to London), and heads off for parts unknown.