Predicting the Weather

Predicting the weather has always been a knack for George.  Ever since he was a pup, he used to look at the sky and say "cumulonimbus".  Now George predicts the weather with a state of the art weather predicting machine that he built.  Even when he is not at his office, the weather goes out to thousands of cities all over the world.  

In the olden days, the weather was predicted by comical weathermen at various TV stations who looked at computer models.  Most of these models were run on then state of the art IBM computers made specifically  for weather predicting.  In fact when IBM came out with their weather predicting computer (IBM Guess-37041), everyone thought that the problem with weather predicting was solved.  With its pretty graphics of storms and clouds, it was by far more sophisticated than anything to hit the market thus far.  Unfortunately, while its graphics were pretty, it was found that they were created by a random selection of colors and movements.  When one of them was disassembled, the engineers found a squirrel throwing darts at a dart board.  The sections of the board were marked Rain, Sleet, Snow, Cloudy, Sunshine, and Mixed Mess.  

Since George started his service, most of the IBM Guesses have retired, along with all the weathermen who stood by them.  This has made George and ShadowCasters unpopular in some circles, but they survive nonetheless.  There have been threats against ShadowCasters, but none have been carried out.  The worst problem ShadowCasters really has is how George and the company are treated in the national scandal sheets.  (There have been fake pictures of George and other employees in questionable circumstances.)

What this proves though, is that accurate weather prediction is possible.  George has proven it true.