Punxsutawney Phil

George's cousin (one of them anyway) is Punxsutawney Phil, the official Groundhog Day weather forecaster.  Phil lives a celebrated existence appearing at all the town functions, grand openings, and of course coming out every February 2nd to announce the remaining length of winter.  Phil's full time residence is at the Punxsutawney library where he greets the people as they come and go.  In the evenings, he watches TV, reads, and enjoys life in the small town.  

In February, Phil braves the cold of the climate, and travels to his cabin atop historic Gobbler's Knob. There, he spends the night in preparation for the festivities the following morning.  

In the off season, Phil does talk show appearances, book signings, contest judging, and his daily radio program "A Groundhog's Eye View".  


George on Phil

Well, everyone's got to have one family member that decides to live off others instead of working hard.  Phil is a good example of that.  It's bad enough that he lounges around for a year, and then manages to get his fat tail up to work one day out of the whole year, but then he is the international celebrity, while I bust my tail, help millions around the world, and no one knows who I am.  

Phil has constantly been a thorn in my side since we were pups, when I used to build little dams, and he used to take credit for them.  All I'd hear would be Phil, Phil, Phil.  You'd think his name was Brady.  I'm tired of it.  All he does is eat and sleep.   You see him in that picture with the mayor?  He's so fat that the mayor had to hold him up, and that was a feat at that.  And on that one occasion that he does stick his nose out of his hole, all he has to do is see his shadow.  Now how hard is that?  He doesn't have any meteorological skills.  He doesn't have any cognitive abilities.  All he does is open one eye (provided they can wake him up) and look at his shadow.  Duh!  Prognosticator of Prognosticators?  Yeah, right.  Seer of seers?  Rubbish.  The only thing he can see is his reflection in the mirror.  Talk about vain.  Errrgh.  He even stole scenes from Bill Murray.
One of these days, he's going to be waddling around town late at night, drunk, and some stray dog is going to mistake him for dinner.  I really pity that dog.  His cholesterol is going to go through the roof.

   Phil Links        

Groundhog in Punxsutawney!

StormFax Weather Almanac - Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day Celebration HomePage

Groundhog Day
The Adventures of Punxsutawney Phil, Wiarton Willie, and Pothole Pete